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Natural Feelings®
Wearable Art  :    
 Jewelry,   Crochet, &  Apparel


My Work

About Me

Maria Weaver is always creating in waves, small and large.  She loved the feeling of funky handmade natural jewelry, hence the name 'Naturalfeelings' business was born in 1992.  She wanted to be unique in her style with good quality, 70's funk and Afrocentric designs combined.  Urban Chic and Funky customers came for her wearable art, mostly in the warmer months. 


After leaving corporate America in 2000, she added a (cooler months) Winter component to her business.  She visited a childhood gift from her mother, crocheting, and it went well for over a decade.  By 2011, with customer encouragement and the waves of doing a handmade business, she added Teaching-Artist.  Her (teaching) background in crochet and jewelry-making, moved her to teach Visual Arts in Baltimore and surrounding areas. 


Suggestions are welcomed but Custom-orders are currently unavailable. 





Jewelry Crafting

Maria has been hand crafting jewelry since 1992. Her style speaks to the "Urban Chic Creative." 


Her mediums include precious stones, healing crystals, brass, copper, & recycled leather. She designs earrings, necklaces, rings, body chains, & More.


Crochet Design

Maria started crochet at the age of 8-years-old. It was handed down to her by her mother and grandmother.


Sorry, No custom orders are currently being accepted.


Signature accessories are one-of-a-kind or limited quantities. 


Teaching Artist

Maria Weaver has partnered with various non-profits in and around Baltimore City for over a decade. She brings visual arts to adults and children. 


Her work with young people helps them learn math and literacy via arts integration.


Private lessons are available for crochet for adults and children There is a minimum of four hours per prepaid session (1 hour each time we meet). Let's compare and prepare our schedules to learn a new skill or polish an old one.  Please use "Contact" form to discuss, teaching children art, crochet or jewelry-making.  



About Me


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